Philatelic Youth Council (PYC) New Zealand - Youth Philately
Auckland City of Sails Club
Club Contacts:
City of Sails Overview
The City of Sails Youth Stamp Club began on the 18th June 1988 and has been meeting regularly ever since then. It was started by the late Rob Hunt who had a real passion for stamp collecting and also the stamp camps which he started in 1966 when he was just 16 years old.
The club meetings are now held in the Ranfurly Room, Epsom Community Centre, 202 Gillies Ave., Epsom on the second Saturday of each month (except January) from 2pm to 4pm.
The programme is varied and is geared towards learning about stamp collecting and the care of stamps, talks and displays, swapping, items of interest, help with exhibiting, and of course friendship and fun.
At each meeting there is a one page competition where points are earned, and members are required to bring an item of interest to show, to show they have their tweezers, and to wear their Achievement award badges if they have acquired them. All these can earn points towards the trophy which is presented at the Christmas Party in December.
Points are also given throughout the year to the members who:- visit other clubs when asked, who enter the various competitions, who visit any of the stamp exhibitions held during the year and participate in the club’s activities in any other way at the Leaders discretion.